Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No Long Poems

I don't think many of my poems from Batch One will be accepted. Most of the poems are several pages long and around 1,000 words. Poetry magazines don't print that and the letter from Puffin Circus reminded me how silly I was to send out poems that long to journals that are fairly small.

I should only send the longer poems (though my favorite) to magazines that actually welcome lengthy ones. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time. Many have limits and many don't publish them in guidelines. The magazines just figure people won't send poems 1,000 words long, as many people can't write more than 100. You're much better off sending shorter poems.

Ah well. Bring on the rejection letters.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dictated by Two Hands to lowly web intern:

    "Hi Jake, my name is Two Hands, poet extraordinaire. I received this name because of my ability to write two different poems simultaneously with each of my two hands. My real name has been lost in the burned pages of the prose I used to write professionally many years ago.

    As a reader of your blog, and as an optimist watching your hunt to land that perfect poem in that perfect magazine, I was wondering if it might be possible to read some of the poems that are being submitted? Probably the rejected ones as I'm sure you wouldn't want to publish something on here that will one day be read by the masses holding and carressing your work in their gentle, tiny hands."

    End of dication.

  3. I most certainly can. Next update, bam.
